Artist of the Month│Elsa Yu: Have Patience

Elsa Yu - Pond

Elsa Yu - Pond

Earlier this year we enlisted the help of the UJC Senior Center's members and art instructors, as well as local artists, to put together an art gallery with the hope of bringing joy to our community.

Every month we'll be sharing interviews with the artists that collaborated with the project.

Elsa Yu│Brooklyn, NYC

Elsa Yu - Vases

Elsa Yu - Vases

Elsa Yu is an artist based in Brooklyn, NYC.

When did you start painting?

I started painting when I retired and joined senior centers.

Do you have a favorite museum in NYC?

My favorite museum in NYC is the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

You kindly allowed us to use Pond for our calendar. Can you tell me about the inspiration behind this piece?

The inspiration behind the Pond was when I visited the Met. I was inspired to create my own spin on the piece.

What's your favorite thing about NYC?

My favorite thing about NYC is the community and the diversity.

Do you have some advice that you would like to share?

My advice is to have patience and to make sure that you enjoy what you are doing.

Learn more about Elsa Yu’s work:


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