Artist of the Month│Shirley Birnbaum: It Is Inside Everyone to Create Beauty

Shirley Birnbaum - Untitled

Shirley Birnbaum - Untitled

Earlier this year we enlisted the help of the UJC Senior Center's members and art instructors, as well as local artists, to put together an art gallery with the hope of bringing joy to our community.

Every month we'll be sharing interviews with the artists that collaborated with the project.

Shirley Birnbaum │ New York City

Shirley Birnbaum - Untitled

Shirley Birnbaum - Untitled

Shirley Birnbaum is a New York mosaic artist. For years, she has inspired and guided seniors to create colorful pieces of art, including teaching a beloved class at the UJCES Adult Luncheon Club.

When did you start creating mosaics?

When I became a member of a Senior Center, my husband and I took a class in Mosaics. I was 59 and a half years old and my husband was 62 years old. This was in the summer. I liked it and was very good at it.

When the volunteer teacher went to visit her mother in California and never came back, I took over the class with my husband. The honor was thrown at me. I would show the students how to break and arrange the tiles and my husband did the grouting.

I now have 21 great-grandchildren and I created a mosaic for each one (except for the last three because they were born during the pandemic) with the child's name, date of birth, and weight.

What inspires you?

I love to create pretty things. I am overjoyed when I see my students do beautiful work.

Can you tell me about your experience teaching local seniors to make mosaics?

When I see people do nothing, I have to make them do something. People have talent more than they know they have. It is inside everyone to create beauty.

What's your favorite thing about NYC?

I was born and raised here, this is my home, I love everything about it.

What's the best advice you've ever received?

“Go to the senior center.” You will find plenty to do there, you will never be bored. I didn't know what to do with myself when I retired until my husband said, "Let's go to the Senior Centers and see what they’re doing there.”

Learn more about Shirley Birnbaum’s work:


Social Services for Seniors in New York City


Finding Purpose and Meaning Through Volunteer Opportunities