Artist of the Month│Berso: Be Kind

Berso - Magic Blue Mountain

Berso - Magic Blue Mountain

Earlier this year we enlisted the help of the UJC Senior Center's members and art instructors, as well as local artists, to put together an art gallery with the hope of bringing joy to our community.

Every month we'll be sharing interviews with the artists that collaborated with the project.

Berso│Manhattan, NYC

Berso - Koi Pond

Berso - Koi Pond

Berso is an artist based in Manhattan, NYC. For over a decade, she has worked with mixed media and acrylics, creating vibrant and eye-catching pieces inspired by nature scenes.

When did you start painting?

I started painting about 10 years ago. Before that, I was creating collages and mixed media pieces.

Do you have a favorite museum in NYC?

My favorite museum is the Museum of Modern Art. Just a great collection and fascinating special exhibits.

I'm a big fan of your piece Magic Blue Mountain. Can you tell me about the inspiration behind it?

I love painting mountains and mountain landscapes. Painting Magic Blue Mountain was a chance to use intense levels of color to suggest a mix of realism and expressionism. Also, the piece can be looked at from more than one orientation.

What's your favorite thing about NYC? Or your favorite spot in the city?

What I love about NYC is the general friendliness and kindness of folks. And I love that I’m rubbing shoulders with a diversity of people.

Do you have some advice that you would like to share?

My advice is: Be kind and think before you speak.

Learn more about Berso’ work:


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