How to Qualify for Medicaid in New York and What if You Don’t?

UJCES_How to Qualify for Medicaid in New York

Many vital services are paid for by Medicaid coverage. Unfortunately, sometimes people who qualify for Medicaid are not aware of this. Keep reading to find out if you can have access to these benefits!

Medicaid Eligibility in NYC

Who is eligible for Medicaid in NYC?

If you have an income of $884.00 or less per month, you are eligible.

How to apply for Medicaid for Seniors

To apply, you must complete an application, which can be found HERE.

What If I don't qualify for Medicaid?

If your income is greater than $884.00 per month, there are two options that may allow you to receive Medicaid.

Excess Income Program or “Spend Down” Program

This is an option for adults who are 65 years or older and either certified as blind or disabled and have an income that is greater than $884.00 per month. When you apply, your monthly excess income is determined. This amount is the difference between the income limit and your countable income (gross monthly income subtracted by certain deductions you may be eligible for). If you can show proof that you have medical bills that are greater than the amount of your excess income, then you may be eligible for care on a monthly basis.

Pooled Income Trust

This is a trust that allows you to contribute your excess income into a personal account that is only to be used for medical and healthcare expenses. You’re essentially turning over your income to be managed for the purpose of receiving services you would not be eligible for otherwise.

Look at Other Alternatives if You Don't Qualify for Medicaid

Depending on your situation and your priorities that may be determined by your health and age, there is a plan that’s a good fit for your needs. To find a complete list of resources you can click HERE.

If you don’t qualify for Medicaid, we encourage you to look at other alternatives to receive the services that you need to live a fulfilled life. At UJCES, we can help you with the application and enrollment in these plans. We can explore the best options based on your individual situation.

Helpful Links and Phone Numbers


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